Monday, April 28, 2008

Sewage stinks!

Yes folks, it is a messy and smelly problem ... and we are still dealing with it. That's right, it has been almost two weeks since the main lines around our house became full of back flow from the apartment complexes sewer lines behind us. After 15 hours of non-stop flowage, I've now got a yard full of this crud.

Ever wonder what those little white caps are for in your yard? Well, they are called 'clean outs' and they are access ways to the sewer lines. Using an auger (like along metal snake) a person can dig down in there to theoretically unblock the clog ups. Unfortunately, we had 3 of these flowing in out yard at one time ...TRIPLE YUCK!

This is what the side of my house looks like...

And here's my back yard. What was once bright green grass is now all a dingy grey (that's all the toilet paper) and the brown and black? .... well, I think you get the idea.
If you think the pictures are gross, just be thankful that I am not showing you the closeups ...and be thankful too that your screen isn't a scratch-n-sniff!

I've been calling the water company and they have finally agreed to come and clean up the mess, that that was supposed to be last week .... ugh, will this just ever all go away? :(

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